Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Make Money (ADFIVER 100% Legit SITE)

Make Money From "ADFIVER "

I just registered today on another PTC site called AdFiver. To those who are new to paid to click (PTC) sites, you simply view an ad by clicking on it and earn a small amount. These ads are less than ten seconds in length and does not take too much of your time. Why would you try this kind of gig? I use it mostly to fill up the gap, like when I am waiting for another site to load I will quickly flip over to one of my favorite PTC sites and click. PTC is a slow earner for basic members without referrals. I am OK with that and would not bother upgrade my free membership... Because its 100% paying...... How do I start? REGISTER: You need a valid email address where the confirmation email will be sent after you successfully signed up with AdFiver.

  adfiver register
  VIEW: Start clicking and viewing the available ads right away. For the regular member there are three types: The Sticky, Fixed and Extra.

  adfiver sticky adsadfiver extra and fixed ads EARN: Wait for your click to be validated before closing the ad to earn your points. Unlike other PTC sites you are not required to type a captcha code or click on an image to verify that you are not a robot which is good as it saves you time. However, if you switch to another screen or tab while the ad is open, the timer will stop so better stay on it while it plays. adfiver ads validated Payment: The earnings will be sent to the payment account shortly after making a request to cash out or within 48 hours after being requested if the payment processor services are down. All withdrawals are processed instantly and the minimum payout is $3.00. A small fee can be deducted depending on the payment processor used. Right now the payment processors are: Payza, PayPal, Neteller and BitCoin only. So, Why not give it a try and JOIN TODAY....!
So, JOIN NOW,Good luck...!


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